An Ideal Society
This section contains articles drawing on the sayings of our Mawali Tahireen on how an ideal society should funciton, and the practical steps and initiatives that have been undertaken by, especially, recent Dais, and the Dai of our age Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS in the endeavour to achieve this.

Just Leadership in Early Islam - the Teachings and Practice of Imam Ali
19 March 2019
Shehzadi Dr Tahera Bensab gave this talk at an international conference co-sponsored by Wake Forest University and the Oxford Character Project in February 2019 at Wake Forest University.

The Scale of Piety
26 August 2017
Syedna Taher Fakhruddin pointedly remarked “the scale that I will set forward and I have set forward is a scale of piety, of goodness, kindness, wellness of self as well as others, not a scale of money, which leads to corruption and practices that are harmful to the whole society and community.”
For Women in Our Community “There is No Glass Ceiling”
13 May 2017
Maulatuna Hurratul Malika’s example shines forth like a beacon. She achieved the highest ranks in Deen and Dunya. She set the benchmark, especially for Muminaat, for centuries to come.

Love vs Fear - Part 2
13 March 2017
Let those who sacrifice everything for two moments of worldly glory be fearful forever. They sacrifice their future, their children’s future, the future of the community, their Aakherat and Jannat. It is only right that they are afraid.

Love vs Fear
11 February 2017
Let love overcome fear. Love for your family and dear ones, concern for their future and well-being -overcome your fear of the oppressor and bully. Answer the call of the Dai of Allah, Syedna Taher Fakhruddin, to bring those who are misleading and oppressing the community to account.

The Vision of Dawat - from the 1437H Annual Report
10 September 2016
The vision of Dawat, especially of Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA, was always to achieve the pinnacle of excellence in establishing such an organization. This vision was achieved.

The Energy and Promise of Shabab
28 August 2016
In celebration of the 51st Dai’s completion of 50 years as Dai al-Mutlaq, young Mumineen organized a function - it was in this function that Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA established Shababul Eid-e-Zahabi (The Youngsters of the Golden Jubilee).

Shz. Dr. Tahera baisaheba Talk on ‘Women in Islam’ (Part 2)
27 February 2015
Her paper addresses four keys areas: spirituality, education, veiling, and a woman’s role in the family and in public life. For each of these areas, Shz. Dr. Tahera baisaheba presents scriptural and legal pronouncements, historical and contemporary examples, and her own personal experience as a Muslim woman.

Shz. Dr. Tahera baisaheba Talk on ‘Women in Islam’ (Part 1)
17 January 2015
We are proud to launch our new Series “Women in Islam”. As an introduction to this series we are pleased to present a talk by Shz. Dr. Tahera baisaheba entitled, “The Experience of Being a Muslim Woman: Spiritual, Social and Intellectual Aspects.”