Our Exemplars
This section features short biographies and articles of our Mawali Tahireen, revered saints and holy figures. The articles analyse key events in history and anecdotes from the lives of Allah’s Awliya to provide us with lessons and inspiration for our own lives.

Mazoon-e-Dawat Dr. Syedi Abdeali Bhaisaheb Saifuddin Saheb AAB
24 March 2023
Dr. Syedi Abdeali Bhaisaheb Saifuddin Saheb is the Mazoon-e-Dawat, the second in the religious hierarchy. Brother to the 54th Dai al-Mutlaq (“Dai”) Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS...
Syedna Al-Mu'ayyad al-Shirazi: Shz Bazat Tahera BS Encyclopedia of Islam article
24 January 2020
Al-Mu'ayyad al-Shirazi was a "mighty peak of knowledge" during the height of the Fatimid Dynasty. He was the chief dai and bab ul abwab to Imam al-Mustansir for over 20 years, in which he administered the dawat and propelled our religion forward. His legacy remains to this day, and his majalis and hikmat are still taught to Mumineen.

Syedna Idris Imaduddin Biographical Article from Encyclopedia of Islam
31 July 2018
On the occasion of Syedna Idris Imaduddin RA Urus on 19th Zilqada 1438H we are pleased to present the biographical article written by Yaquqato Dawatil Haqq Shehzadi Dr. Bazat Tahera Baisaheba

Our Imams and Dua’t - Exemplars Of Virtue, Piety, Prayer, Self-Restraint, And Selflessness
07 November 2017
Article by Shehzada Dr. Abdeali Bhaisaheb Saifuddin Shehre Ramadaan is a month of prayer, piety, selflessness, and self-restraint. Our Awliya Kiraam have always been our muqtada and our exemplars in this aspect and in all aspects. Rasulullah SA prayed at night until his feet complained to the Almighty and asked Him for relief...

From Syedi Fakhruddin Shaheed QR to the Dai Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS - A tradition of knowledge, compassion, and sacrifice
21 October 2017
On the occasion of the urus of Syedi Fakhruddin Shaheed QR, we remember his great endeavors and the ultimate final sacrifice of life for Dawat. Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA records his history in his risalat, and says that it is because of the unequivocal efforts and sacrifice of of Syedi Fakhruddin Shaheed that today there are Muslim and Mumin in Wagardh...

A Patent on Truth
01 July 2017
The professor commented “You speak as if you have a patent on truth!” Syedna Qutbuddin did not apologize or qualify his previous answers. Instead he said, “Yes! If I do not believe my statements and answers to be the Truth then on what basis am I leading my life, on what basis am I guiding my followers? I have full conviction that what I believe is the Truth.

To Win – Against All Odds
08 April 2017
When Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA passed away, waves of fitnat crashed upon the ship of Dawat as the usurpers grabbed control of the Dawat infrastructure. Syedna Qutbuddin RA, the lion of Imam-uz-Zaman, defended the ship of Dawat, and not only ensured its survival, but set a path for ever-lasting victory.

To Conquer Fear
25 March 2017
Explaining of the meanings of the last ayat of Surat Quraysh, Syedna Fakhruddin maintained that Allah Ta’ala “provides food against hunger and security against fear” through His Awliya’. In past times our Awliya’ have provided physical nourishment and safety.

Syedna Qutbuddin’s Shafaqat: Our Loving Father
19 March 2017
Then, a year ago, another catastrophe came our way – we learnt of the sudden wafaat of Syedna Qutbuddin. One storm after another. Our affectionate father, the source of all our courage, had departed from our midst. On the surface, it was beyond comprehension how we would face tomorrow...

How Syedna Fakhruddin TUS Does Dawat
26 February 2017
Today we see those same techniques used by Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS in attracting and inviting people towards haqq. Maulana TUS personally delivers numerous waaz and bayaans and makes them available to the whole world via digital communication. He regularly conducts sabaqs and presides over bethaks where Mumineen can come and directly ask him any question on their mind.