Interpreting the Qur’an
This section contains articles exploring the topic of interpreting the Qur’an, the challenges of doing so, the need for a divine guide to elucidate the meanings of the Qur’an, and the explains the meanings of various verses of the Qur’an.

“Bilisaani-qawmihi” - The Language of His People
23 September 2017
Every Messenger “spoke the tongue of his people.” The purpose, as the Quran Majeed expresses, is so that they can explain, clarify and communicate to the people with clear bayaan (liyubayyina lahum). Rasulullah SA, our Nabi, spoke Arabic, the language of the people of Makkah al-Mukarramah and the Arabian Peninsula. He encapsulated and expressed the revelation (wahy) he received...
Qur'an Majeed Series | Ch1: Surat al-Kahf, Ayats 74 and 80 - Syedi Mukasir Saheb AAB
11 December 2016
In the first chapter, Mukasir-ud-Da'wat Syedi Husain Bhaisaheb Burhanuddin AAB elaborates on the meaning of the Quranic ayats that narrate Nabi Musa’s SA questioning of a learned man who killed a young person because he felt that, in the future, the boy would betray his parents. He explains why this zahir meaning is not applicable, and therefore the ayats’ true meaning is in its taawil.
Qur'an Majeed Series | Introduction - Syedi Mukasir Saheb AAB
10 December 2016
Mukasir-ud-Da'wat Syedi Husain Bhaisaheb Burhanuddin AAB explains the motivation behind the Qur’an series and what it endeavors to accomplish. First, he emphasizes and explains the fundamental importance of the Qur’an Majeed. He then quotes Quranic ayats that demonstrate the Qur’an Majeed’s all encompassing nature and its critical role in every day and age for guidance...

"And His Throne Was on Water"
03 September 2016
In the context of the creation of the Heavens and the Earth, the Quran describes Allah Ta’ala’s throne resting on water. “It is He who created the Heavens and the earth in six Days - and His Throne was on water” (Surat Hud: 7). To imagine that there is actually a physical throne that somehow rests physically on water is indeed a stretch of the imagination.

Interpreting the Faith and Fourteen-Hundred Year-Old Traditions
17 July 2016
The text of the Quran is timeless - it is applicable even today, fourteen hundred years later. The same applies to the Shari’at that was revealed to Rasulullah SA. How does it apply today?
The differences that have arisen over the years have been primarily due to diverging interpretations of the Quran and by extension, the intent of Shar’iat stipulations.

"Disagreement of the Jurists"
18 March 2016
All Muslims believe in one qibla, one Rasul, and one Quran. Given this basic unity, why do they disagree in their interpretation of Islam?

Asmaa’ullahil Husna – The 99 Names of Allah Ta’ala
01 January 2016
As we publish the 99th issue of Sijill we take the opportunity to present a calligraphic presentation of the 99 names of Allah Ta’ala as per our Mawali Tahereen SA, with English translation.

Launch of Quran Recitation Series - Audio of 30th Sipara Tarteel by Syedi Mukasir Saheb AAB
14 July 2015
It gives us great pleasure to present on this last Friday of Shehrullah the entire 30th Sipara recited in tarteel by Mukasir-o-Dawatil-Haqqil-Mubeen Syedi wa Maulaya Husain Bhaisaheb Burhanuddin AAB. Syedi Mukasir Saheb AAB is Haafizul Qur’an and with raza and doa of Syedna Burhanuddin RA spent many years in Cairo, where he learned tarteel from some of the most stalwart and well-known reciters
A Guide for Every People & Every Age
30 May 2015
Our belief is that in every day and age a living Imam must be present to guide mumineen to Siraat-e-Mustaqeem. In the time of seclusion, his Dai must be known and present to guide mumineen to the Imam and the Straight Path
![“You are in [front of] our eyes”](
“You are in [front of] our eyes”
14 March 2015
Many times in bayaan during these last months Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS has quoted a part of the above mentioned Qur’anic ayat: you are in [front of] our eyes (innaka bi a’yunina). In the context of this ayat, Syedna beseeches Imam-uz-zaman SA, and asserts that the Imam is the successor to Rasulullah SA