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View allAqa Husain SA Chehlum
20mi Raat Safar | 24th August 2024 - On the occasion of Imam Husain SA Chehlum 1446H, Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS will deliver Waaz Mubarak in English in Boston, USA, a landmark event in Dawat history. For those who are unable to attend in person, Syedna TUS has graciously granted permission to broadcast the waaz live via YouTube. For details on Waaz timings, click here.
Qasr-e-Aali Shaadi Invitation | Jumadal Ukhra 1446H
With all our thanks to Allah and His Wali Imam-uz-zaman SA for his immense and innumerable blessings, we are delighted to announce the glad tidings of Shaadi celebrations in Syedna Taher Fakhruddin's TUS Qasr Mubarak. Maulana TUS will preside over the Nikah of his beloved daughter Shehzadi Aamenah baisaheba with Murtaza bhaisaheb, son of Mulla Saifuddin bhai Arsiwala. Click here for more details.
The Syedna Case: Exposing the Succession Conspiracy
Syedna Burhanuddin RA Video Recording Shows Mufaddal is NOT his Successor. This video documentary brings to light the story that unfolded in June 2011 when Mufaddal Saifuddin announced his alleged appointment. It analyzes the following: London Cromwell Hospital records of Syedna Burhanuddin RA, 4 June 2011 Cromwell hospital video, 20 June 2011 Raudat Tahera video. View the 30 minute documentary.
Wisdom of the Prophet Muhammad SA: Lessons for the Twenty-First Century
Zahra Hasanaat Publications is pleased to present Wisdom of the Prophet Muhammad SA: Lessons for the Twenty-First Century. This is an abridged special edition of Yaqutato Dawatil Haqq Shehzadi Dr Bazat Tahera Bensab’s “A Light in the Heavens”...
Dawoodi Bohra community in Mumbai opens the door of their mausoleum to the world
We were excited to welcome mid-day to Raudat-un-Noor, Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA’s mausoleum, and the Mazaar-e-Qutbi Complex for a tour a few days ago. Debjani Paul reports on its unique architecture and spiritual significance in her Sunday edition article “Dawoodi Bohra community in Mumbai opens the door of their mausoleum to the world”. Tours run weekly on Sundays.
The Eid of Milaad - The Religion of Islam and the Shari’at of Muhammad
On the 12th of Rabiul Awwal we celebrate the Milad of our Peghambar, the leader of all Anbiyaa’s and Prophets, Muhammad Rasulullah SA. In the span of 23 years, Rasulullah achieved the impossible task of establishing the norms and stipulations of Shari’at, while also establishing the Islamic polity
1446H Hijri Calendar
We are pleased to present the Dawat e Hadiya 1446H Hijri Calendar which presents main miqaats and parallel Gregorian dates. The calendar is presented in printable (A4) PDF format, as well as an e-book...
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