Last 10 Days: Itqun-Minan-Naar no Dasko & Aakhir Jumoa
29 March 2024
The last ten days of Shehrullah are known as the ten days of ‘itqun-minan-naar (freedom from hellfire) based on the khutba of Rasulullah SA in the last days of Shabaan.
✾ Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS will lead Fajr Namaaz (6:15am), Zohr Asr Namaaz (1pm), and Maghrib Isha Namaaz in Mazaar-e-Qutbi Complex, insha’Allah. Mumineen are invited for Iftar and Salawat Jaman daily after Maghrib Isha Namaaz.
We are pleased to present the Namaaz & Doa App, the latest iteration of the first app developed for mumineen, now built better to help everyone with namaaz and doa – removing all barriers to prayer. Now available on Android, iOS, and iPadOS! The Namaaz & Doa App offers Mumineen the most accurate prayer times & azaan. It also features Shehrullah niyyat, bihori, doas, and munajaats with Arabic script, phonetics (transliterations), translations and audio recitations as well as a Qibla locator, a Hijri calendar, and more.
✾ Amal Details
- Roza | 🕋 N&D App - Mumineen should perform roza (fasts) from dawn till dusk.
- Namaz | 🕋 N&D App - Pray all five Farizat Namaaz on time with their respective Sunnat and Naafilat. As Rasulullah said, in Shehrullah the sawaab for praying one Farizat is equivalent to praying 70 Farizat in other months, and praying Sunnat in Shehrullah is equivalent in sawaab to praying Farizat in other months.
- Doa
- "Allahumma Haadha Shahru Ramadaan" | 🕋 N&D App - pray after each faraz.
- Imam Ali Zainul Aabideen SA Doa | 🕋 N&D App - pray after Fajr Namaz.
- Zohor Nafilat Doa | 🕋 N&D App - pray after Zohr Nafilat.
- Shehrullah Wada Doa | 🕋 N&D App - on 30mi tareekh pray this Shehrullah Wada Doa instead of the above Zohor Nafilat Doa.
- "Allahumma ya Mu’tiyas Su’aalaat" | 🕋 N&D App - pray after Maghrib before iftaar.
- Qur'an - Pray at least one sipara of Quran Majeed a day so that you can complete one full Quran in the month. Some dedicated Mumineen complete one full Quran recitation every single day in Ramadan. For those who are not fluent, there are many websites with full Qur'an Majeed audio (see here, or here). For those who cannot read the Arabic script at all, there are transliterated Quran (the Arabic Quran written in English script), which you can use until you are able to master the Arabic script. Click here to view the 30th sipara with audio by Mukasir-e-Dawat Syedi Dr. Husain Bhaisaheb Burhanuddin AAB
- Bihori | 🕋 N&D App - Pray Bihori as much as possible during Shehrullah. Details of Bihori with accompanying translation and audios have been published on the Fatemi Dawat Bihori page.
- Wajebaat & Zakat - Mumineen are reminded to araz zakat and wajebaat, especially zakat-ul-fitr during Shehrullah-il-Mo'azzam.
✾ Layali Fazela
- Amal Details for 17mi, 19mi, and 21mi raat are published here.
✾ Aakhir Jumoa
🕋 N&D App | Hafti Part 1 Pg. 125 PDF
- Nabi na Naam: After Isha namaz do tasbeeh of salawaat on Anbiyaa’ SA (nabi na naam) on the following dates and times:
- 27mi raat Aakhir Jumoa raat (Thursday 4th April)
- 27mi tareekh Aakhir Jumoa no din (Friday 5th April) - at zawal, before praying zohr.
- 28mi raat (Friday 5th April) - after Isha Nafilat.
- 29mi raat (Saturday 6th April) - after Isha Nafilat.
- 30mi raat (Sunday 7th April) - after Isha Nafilat.
- Ibtiga'il Fadl Namaz: Mumineen should pray 2 rak'ats for “ibtighaa’ al-Fadl was sawaab” after nabi na naam. In both rak'ats, pray Surat al-Hamd once, Qul Howallaho Ahad 10 times, and Qul A'uzo Birabbil Falaq 7 times. Niyyat:
اُصَلِّيْ صَلَوةً لِابْتِغَاءِ الْفَضْلِ وَالثَّوَابِ رَكْعَتَيْنِ لِلهِ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ اَدَاءً مُسْتَقْبِلَ الْكَعْبَةِ الْحَرَامِ اَللهُ اَكْبَرُ
- Mumineen may listen to audio of nabi na naam by Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS below:
- ✾ Wasila Mubaraka - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS has graciously granted raza for Wasila Mubaraka to be broadcast live on YouTube. This will start at approximately 1:30pm India time.
- Mumineen in timezones ahead of Mumbai may contact for wasila mubaraka recording.
✾ 30mi Raat
- Amal Details for 30mi raat are published here.
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