Learn about Ashara Mubaraka, Wajebaat, Amal Details for Miqaats, Wuzu & Namaaz, Bihori, Hajj, and download e-Haftis with frequently recited prayers.
14 July 2023
This is the Fatemi Dawat Ashara Mubaraka Archives page. Here you can find all Ashara relevant material including broadcast links, waaz summaries, waaz video excerpts, photos, program details etc. of previous years.
Amal Details
02 January 2025
This section provides amal details for miqaats and detailed instructions for Mumineen with regards to what to pray on the specified auspicious days.
1445H Wajebaat
05 April 2024
English | Dawat-ni-Zaban | Gujarati | Hindi
Like prayer, fasting, and hajj, zakaat is one of the seven da’a’im, or foundational pillars, of the Shari’at of Islam. Click the sections below (or on a PDF above) to read more details about these different aspects of zakaat.
13 April 2024
Download Bihori Hafti PDF: Part 1 | Part 2 | 🕋 N&D App Bihori
Our Mawaali Tahereen have guided us to the manner in which we should do bandagi and pray Tahajjud as per the injunction in the Quran, "And for a part of the night, pray Tahajjud (keep vigil) therewith as a Nafilat (supererogatory devotion) for you. It may be that your Lord will raise you to a praiseworthy station" (Surat ul-Isra’: 79). In that vein this section is published as a guide to praying Bihori with accompanying text and audio and translation of Munajaat ‘ya zal-ma’aali and Nisful Layl Doas.
Qur'an Majeed
10 May 2023
This Qur’anic recitation in tarteel is by Syedi Mukasir Saheb AAB, who is Haafizul Qur’an and with raza and doa of Syedna Burhanuddin spent many years in Cairo, where he learned tarteel from some of the most well-known reciters. Syedi Mukasir Saheb AAB has recited in the presence of Syedna Burhanuddin and Syedna Qutbuddin. Once after reciting in a grand majlis, Syedna Burhanuddin said, “Ghanu achhu parhu.” He stood first in a city-wide inter-school recitation competition in Cairo. He has been invited to recite at eminent events by various international universities and communities. In 2009, he received his PhD from the University of Cambridge, UK, in Quranic Studies. Click here to view: "Launch of Quran Recitation Series - Audio of 30th Sipara Tarteel by Syedi Mukasir Saheb AAB".
16 May 2023
This section presents a collection of haftis for Mumineen.
If you would like to request another hafti for publication on please email All haftis published here are available as eBooks and PDFs.
Frequently Recited Do’as
19 November 2023
There are many doa’s in Arabic that are recited by mumineen very regularly, some even daily. These qasidas and doas are priceless treasures that over hudaat, our guides have given us. It is our endeavor to make the substance and matter of these doas more accessible to mumineen by presenting them with translation and commentary. Our hope is that a better understanding of the meaning of the doas and qasidas would make the experience of reciting them all the more engaging and rewarding.
Qasidas, Marsiyas, Salaams, Munajaats
10 January 2025
Visit the Namaaz & Doa App for a comprehensive library of qasidas, marsiyas, salaams, and munajaats, available on Android and IOS.
These section includes selections from the vast literary heritage of Da‘wat including Qasidas in the praise of Panjetan, Ai’mmat and Du’at, Marsiyas in the remembrance of Awliya’ and especially Imam Husian, and Salaams on our Hudaat. Munajaats in supplication to Allah Ta’ala are also available here. Most of the Arabic Qasidas include Dawat-ni-zaban fehwa and English translation. Also included in this section are a collection of qasidas by Syedna Qutbuddin. Audios of many qasidas, marsiyas, salaams and munajaats have been uploaded also.