The Importance of Prayer
Our Mawali Tahireen have always urged us to worship God. Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA used to supplicate God saying, “may we have the strength to live a life of worship and gratitude.” This section explores the importance of prayer and worship in our religion of Islam.
A Mumin’s Niyyat & Amal (Intent & Deed)
09 May 2015
Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS explained one of the deeper meanings of the Hadith quoted above: “A Mumin’s Niyyat (intent) is farther in reach than his actions”(Niyyatul Mumini Ablaghu Min Amalihi).
“Veracity Beyond Doubt”
03 May 2015
Though the times were different and the contexts were different, the Sahib-uz-zaman established the hujjat of Truth, regardless of the situation, regardless of the consequences.
Sadness and Rejoice: Farewell to Shehrullah & the Dawn of Eid
25 September 2014
In the doa for bidding farewell (wada’) to Shehrullah, Imam ‘Ali Zainul Aabideen SA personifies the holy month of Ramadan as a guest that had come to visit us and is now sadly departing; a guest like no other guest. In the doa the Imam prays salaam on the departing month
Lailatul Qadar: Syedna Qutbuddin Munajaat & Risaalat
25 September 2014
Following the tradition of the 51st and 52nd Dais Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA, their successor, the 53rd Dai Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS has composed a ‘Munajaat’ – a qasida in supplication and prayer to Allah Ta’ala
Bihori: Alone in the Darkness of the Night
25 September 2014
Our Mawaali Tahereen have guided us to the manner in which we should do bandagi and pray Tahajjud as per the injunction in the Quran quoted above, "And for a part of the night, pray Tahajjud (keep vigil) therewith as a Nafilat (supererogatory devotion) for you. It may be that your Lord will raise you to a praiseworthy station"
Prayer and Zakaat: Inextricably linked
25 September 2014
It is the month of zakaat because our Hudaat Kiraam have guided us to submit our zakaat in this month so that we are rewarded multifold (70 times!) on this compulsory farizat amal. The two are inextricably linked in the Quran
Fasting and Forbearance: Self-Discipline not Self-Denial
25 September 2014
The month of Ramadaan is recognized predominantly through the act of fasting from dawn till dusk for 30 days. The 5th Pillar of Islam (di’aamat) is fasting (sawm – roza). It is incumbent upon us as per our pledge in the Misaaq to do roza for the full 30 days of Ramadaan, completing the count of days according to the hidayat of our Mawali Tahereen
Approaching the Month of 'Ibadaat
25 September 2014
Ramadaan al-Mo’azzam – Shehrullah – is around the corner. It is the month of ‘ibaadat – the month in which we do roza through the day and pray through many nights. The word ‘Ibaadat signifies our devotion, submission and prayer to Allah Ta’ala
15th Shabaan - Significance, Prayer, Thumm Washeq
25 September 2014
In the month of Shabaan, the month of Rasulullah SA, the eve of the 15th of Shabaan (lailatun-nisf) the night in which Rasulullah was divinely instructed to face the Ka’ba, Masjid-e-Haraam, when praying namaaz. (Earlier, namaaz was prayed facing Masjid-e-Aqsa)
Ayyamul Beez: The Days of the Full Moon - Days of Supplication and Prayer
25 September 2014
The 13th, 14th and 15th of Rajab-ul-Asabb are known as the ‘Ayyamul Beez’ (أيّامُ البِيضْ) ‘the days of the white nights’ as these are the days in which the full moon is visible throughout the night