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Summary and Photos - 3rd Waaz Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS

06 October 2016

On 4th Moharram, Syedna Fakhruddin TUS delivered the 3rd waaz for Ashara 1438H. Maulana began with the bayaan of Nabi Ibrahim SA, whose millat (tradition) we follow. Rasulullah SA stated to Amirul Mumineen SA that “I and you, Ali, we follow the dawat of our father Ibrahim.” The Dawat of Rasulllah and his progeny A’immat Tahereen SA is the same DawatIbrahim established, the same Dawat mentioned in the ayat “His is the Dawat of Haqq” (Surat al-Ra’d: 14), due to the presence of an Imam from the progeny of Ibrahim. Quoting Syedna Qutbuddin RA, Maulana explained how the sun was present yesterday, yesterday was a day, today it is another day and a discerning person would conclude that tomorrow a new day will follow. Similarly, an Imam was present yesterday, he is present today and will be present tomorrow.

Maulana related the riwayat of Imam Jafar-us-Sadiq AS that is often recited in Ashara waaz, where he does tremendous nawazish (favors) on Shia. Maulana then recited and expounded on the ayatwajjahtu wajhi - indeed, I have turned my face toward He who created the heavens and the earth, believing in One God, and I am not of those who associate others with Allah" (Surat al-An’am: 79). Ibrahim recited this ayat as his tawajjuh (direction) was towards Allah Ta’ala. Maulana related this to a unique bayaan from Asasut-Taweel in which Syedna al-Qadi al-Nu’man explains the deeper meaning, the taweel about Ibrahim’s qissa in the Qur’an when he looks towards the planets. Maulana continued that Ibrahim built the Kaaba, baitullah (house of Allah) and it is towards this qibla we face in prayer. Maulana commented on numerous practical applications of finding the qibla, including when praying namaaz during air travel. Maualana also recited and explained numerous qasidas, including Syedna Moayyad al-Shirazi abyat, “come, let me show you the true baitullah, not what you think. What is greater, that made of stone, or Mohammed Rasulullah who made the Ka’ba of stone?”

Before beginning a bayaan from Syedna Qutbuddin RA, Maulana did immense shukr of his father who prepared him. Maulana related a unique incident that occurred after his second Ashara waaz khidmat, where he was sent to the town of Mohammadiyya, near Syedi Fakhruddin Shaheed mazaar in Galyakot, by Syedna Burhanhuddin. An elderly person returned from there to Mumbai, and did several sanaa (compliments) to Syedna Qutbuddin in private regarding Maulana’s waaz. Syedna Qutbuddin was immensely happy, and told Maulana to kiss the misaal of Syedna Taher Saifuddin (in which he references Syedna Qutbuddin’s first waaz in Udaipur as “performed with the tayeed of the Imam). Syedna Qutbuddin also told Maulana that “prior to your birth, Maulana Taher Saifuddin came in my dreams and informed me I would have a son of such shaan". Syedna Qutbuddin advised Maulana that “son, you have to do khidmat of dawat.

Maulana then explained in great detail 3 fasal (chapters) of Nabi Ibrahim; zahir, taweel & haqiqat. The zahir was pertaining to Ibrahim’s tawakkul when his enemy threw him into the fire.Maulana also recounted Amirul Mumineen’s kalaam that 4 types of people have tawakkul: (1) on their money, (2) on their health and body, (3) on other people and (4) on Khuda Ta’ala. On each topic, Maulana imparted priceless jewels of wisdom. Maulana also encouraged Mumineen to seek their sustenance and rozi with himmat and tawakkul on Allah Ta’ala. Maulana drew from his own extensive experience and gave practical advice (inshallah this clip will be published soon). The taweel chapter was pertaining to the deeper meaning of Allah’s command to Ibrahim, as narrated in the Quran, to slay his son Ismail. Maulana completed the haqiqat bayaan with tawjeeh of the word Ibrahim. Maulana ended the bayaan with a heart rending recounting of shaadat of Aun & Mohammed (sons of Maulatuna Zainab) and Qasim (son of Imam Hasan). Finally, he prayed Imam Husain’s shahaadat remembering that today is the fourth of Muharram and from 4 you can extract 10 (4+3+2+1=10).

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