Rajab Pehli Raat
09 January 2024
Wednesday night, 10 January 2024
Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS will lead Maghrib Isha and Washeq Namaaz and thereafter deliver wasila mubaraka in the Mazaar-e-Qutbi Iwan Complex insha’Allah. Syedna TUS will then preside over Pehli Raat Ghurratusshahr Majlis. Mumineen are thereafter invited for Salawaat Jaman.
Mumineen who are unable to attend in person are encouraged to follow these amal details:
- Pray Maghrib Isha Namaz with Sunnat and Naafelat.
- Pray 24 Rak’at Washeq Namaz (Charhti Surat) and pray Sajada Wajhi Doa (recording of wasila starts with the doa). CLICK HERE to view PDF of washeq Niyyat and Doa.
- Listen to wasila mubaraka of Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS from 1439H.
- Recite the QASIDA MUBARAKA written by Syedna al-Mu’ayyad al-Shirazi on the occasion of the auspicious month of Rajab.
- Majalis al Hikma: What is the distinction of the month of Rajab? Our Awliya’ Kiraam say the days of Rajab are part of “the days of Allah.” Why is the month of Rajab so honoured? View majlis 42 of the Majalis al Hikma series by Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS.