Syedna’s Deep & Heartfelt Doa
24 October 2015
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ ٱلدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ فَلْيَسْتَجِيبُواْ لِي وَلْيُؤْمِنُواْ بِي لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْشُدُونَ*
'And when My servants question you concerning Me, I am near; I answer the call of the Dai when he beseeches doa; so let them respond to Me, and let them believe in Me that they might go aright.'
(Surat al-Baqara: 186)
This article was written by Ra'sul Hududil Mayameen Janab Syedi Aziz Bhaisaheb Qutbuddin in 2015.
Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA often stated that the two primary responsibilities of a Dai are: 1) to establish and call mumineen towards the Da’wat of Imamuz-zaman SA and 2) to pray and perform doa for mumineen. The Arabic root "d‘aa" linguistically supports these two definitions of: 1) calling or inviting towards something and 2) beseeching doa.
During every waaz in Ashara Mubaraka, Syedna Qutbuddin TUS called mumineen towards the Dawat of Imamuz-zaman SA and enriched their souls with the knowledge of Aale Muhammad SA. In every waaz, Syedna also beseeched doa for mumineen. He often said that, “I beseech doa for mumineen in every day and in every sajda.” Syedna also beseeched doa for the guidance of those who had gone astray and for the renewed unity of our community.
On the 7th of Muharram Syedna beseeched doa for mumineen in a unique manner. As this was the waaz of Maulatuna Fatema AS, he took the wasila of each of the meaningful letters in the name “Fatema”. Just as there is meaning in the set of letters with which several surats of Quran begin (alif laam meem for example), our hudaat kiraam have often elaborated on the meaning of the letters of the names of Panjetan paak, Tayyib Imam etc.
After beseeching Salawat on Panjetan paak, A’immat Tahereen and their Duat Mutlaqeen, especially the 51st and the 52nd Dai, Syedna prayed:
I pray, by taking and invoking the name of “Fatema.” By the virtue of the letter ‘fe’ in Fatema, may Allah Ta’ala protect us from every aafat and adversity. By the virtue of the letter ‘fa’ in Fatema, may Allah Ta’ala grant us all shifa’ and good health. May he alleviate all afflictions and keep us all in happiness.
Now ‘alif’ after ‘fe’, by the virtue of Fatema, may Allah Ta’ala bestow barakat and strength in our Islam, our Imaan and our Ikhlaas. May He increase it day by day.
‘Toi’, by the virtue of Fatema, may Allah Ta’ala grant us Tahaarat and purity in our bodies and our souls in religion (abdaan & adyaan). The way purity of the body [is achieved] and the purity of our souls is [achieved] by praying that may Allah Ta’ala purify us from sins. Indeed “Allah Ta’ala loves those who seek forgiveness (tawba) and loves those who seek to become pure (tahaarat)” (Surat al-Baqara: 222).
‘Meem’, there is ‘toi’ after ‘meem’, by the virtue of Fatema’s ‘meem’, may Allah Ta’ala increase in our hearts the mohabbat (love), mawaddat (affection) and ma’rifat (recognition) of panjetan, a’immat and du’at (all start with meem).
There is also a ‘meem’ in mumin. I also pray, may Allah Ta’ala increase the hurmat and stature of a mumin in our hearts, [and may everyone mumin] always keep taqwa (consciousness of God). Every day I pray for myself and all of you, may Allah Ta’ala maintain His taqwa as our shi’aar (emblem or crest). For our maula, may Allah Ta’ala sacrifice our jaan/soul - nisaar. May Allah Ta’ala grant us barakaat (blessings) and ne’mats (bounties) be-shumaar (countless).
Now the small ‘teh’ (the last letter in Fatema, also called chashmi ‘heh’). The numerical value of this letter is five. By the virtue and wasila of this last letter - I pray for myself, my family, my wife, my sons, my daughters, my children’s children, the children of Da’wat - in this Majlis of Fatema and Husain, I pray, by the virtue of Fatema and Husain, Ta’ala today, in this Ashara, in Ashura and always, may we always weep for Fatema’s jigar-gosha Aqa Husain, may we always grieve for him, may we always do his maatam.
We are the followers and servants of Panjetan paak, by the virtue of these five, according to the guidance of the pure Panjetan, may we always live a pure life (paak zindagi). May we always establish the seven pillars (da’aim). And may our life and death (mahya & mamaat) be upon the walaayat of Fatema. That death (mamaat) is the beginning of Life (‘aynul-hayaat). May Allah Ta’ala maintain this bounty in our children for generations to come…
May the blessings of salwaat continue towards the servant of Imamuz-zaman (mamluku aale Muhammad), and by the virtue of his divine gaze, inspiration and ta’yeed, may Allah Ta’ala grant us clear victory (nasre-aziz & fathe-mubin) “nasrun minallahi wa fathun qareeb. Wa bashshiril mumineen.”
May Allah Ta’ala continue the blessings of this salawaat till the Day of Judgment.
Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA said many years ago in Lailatul Qadar that “Khuzaima ni doa mustajaab che.” This indeed was an indication that Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin would one day become Dai, because Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA and Syedna Burhanuddin RA also often said in their waaz that, “Dai ni doa mustajaab che.”
We are fortunate that we receive the doa of a Dai whose doa is answered (mustajaab) – he is a Dai who prays for us in a manner which echoes the doa of the great Imam Ali Zainul-Abideen and the great Dai Syedna al-Mu’ayyad al-Shirazi.
May Allah Ta’ala answer his prayers and doa for us. May Allah Ta’ala grant longest life, in full health and fitness, to our Dai Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin. May he continue to pray for us in his bayaans and his sajdas for many years to come.