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Ten Virtues of a Mumin – (2) Desire/ Aspiration to seek Ilm

07 November 2015

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

يَرْفَعِ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنكُمْ وَالَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ دَرَجَاتٍ

'Allah Ta’ala will raise those of you who have faith and those who have been given knowledge in higher ranks.'

(Surat al-Mujadala: 11)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

مَنْ رَزَقَهُ اللهُ وَلايَةَ عَلِيّ ابنِ ابيطالب صع فَقَدْ أَصَابَ خَيْرَ الدُّنْيَا والآخِرةِ، ولا أشُكُّ لهُ بِالجَنةِ، وإنَّ في حُبِّ عَليٍّ وَوَلايَتِهِ عِشْرِينَ خَصْلَة، عَشَرةً مِنها في الدُّنيا وعَشَرةً في الآخرة*

'He who is given the sustenance/bounty (rizq - rozi) of the valaayat of Ali has attained the goodness of this world and the Hereafter, and I do not doubt that he will enter jannat. In Ali’s love and valaayat are twenty virtues: 10 in this world (dunya) and 10 in the Hereafter (aakherat).'

(Rasulullah SAW)

This article was written by Ra'sul Hududil Mayameen Janab Syedi Aziz Bhaisaheb Qutbuddin in 2015.

It is incumbent on us that we are worthy of the blessing of the greatest virtue, the valaayat of Amirul Mumineen SA, that has been bestowed upon us and that ensures our salvation. Rasululullah SAW has said that, “he who is given the gift (rizq, rozi) of the valaayat of Ali has attained the goodness of this world and the Hereafter, and I do not doubt that he will enter jannat.In Ali’s love and valaayat are twenty virtues: 10 in this world (dunya) and 10 in the Hereafter (aakherat).” The first of the virtues in this world is zuhd (renouncing materialism – lit. asceticism – see Sijill Article 90). The second of the virtues in this world is desire (lit. greed) to seek knowledge.

During Ashara this year, Syedna Qutbuddin TUS narrated this Hadith and explained the many facets of this Hadith and the individual virtues. Syedna introduced the Hadith saying that this hadith is a bishaarat for the Shi’a of Amirul Mumineen SA. He added that in one sense those with true valaayat would necessarily have these virtues. If for some reason one with valaayat does not possess these virtues then upon hearing this bayaan he/she should make a firm commitment to acquire them.

The words in Rasulullah’s SA Hadith are ‘al-hirsu ‘ala al-‘ilm’, which literally means greed for knowledge. Syedna stated in his bayaan that greed in all other contexts is undesirable. The only context in which it is a virtue is the seeking of knowledge – because the more knowledge acquired the better.

Syedna narrated an anecdote of the great scholar Syedi Ameenji bin Jalaal QR: Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA and Syedna Burhanuddin RA did ziarat of Syedi Ameenji with great reverence after offering sajda. He had received the ‘ilm of Aale Muhammad from Syedna Da’ud bin Qutubshah RA. Syedi Ameenji spent most of his nights reading “He who seeks knowledge, burns the midnight oil.” One day his wife approached Syedi Khawj bin Malak (another great scholar who was a contemporary of Syedi Ameenji bin Jalaal and whose qabar Mubarak is in Kapadwanj) for advice. Syedi Khawj advised her to araz to the Dai. At that time oil lanterns (fanus) were used for illumination. The Dai advised her to fill the lantern with less oil that night so that once the oil ran out Syedi Ameenji would retire to his room. Syedi Ameenji’s wife did so but Syedi Ameenji still did not come to the room any sooner. She found Syedi Ameenji still reading when she went and saw into the study at the time of Fajr namaaz. The oil lantern was still burning, but without any oil.

Syedna encouraged mumineen to seek ‘ilm. Education is essential. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their children seek education and especially the ‘ilm and knowledge of Aale Mohammad. Amirul Mumineen SA has said that “this ‘ilm is the eternal and everlasting ‘ilm that was revealed to Adam, and by which all the Prophets were honoured, that ‘ilm is with Mohammad and his progeny the Imams”. Every Imam in every age inherits and imparts this ‘ilm. In the Imam’s seclusion every Dai is entrusted with it.

The treasure of ‘ilm is the Imam’s treasure. In the age of Mustansir Imam (the 18th Imam), the Yemeni Dai Syedna Lamak bin Malik travelled to Cairo and received the ‘ilm of Aale Muhammad through the great scholar Syedna al-Mu’ayyad al-Shirazi and also directly from the Imam (more details on this later). Syedna Lamak then returned to Yemen and imparted this knowledge to his son Syedna Yahya bin Lamak who imparted it to Syedna Zoeb bin Musa, the first Dai al-Mutlaq. This knowledge has then been passed on from one Dai to the other. The treasure of knowledge is entrusted to every Dai. A treasure that no worldly treasure compares to. The ta’yeed and inspiration of the Imam continues to flow to the Dai even during seclusion.

Syedna Qutbuddin today imparts this knowledge in every bayaan, sabaq and waaz. He imparts it in his qasidas, munajaats and risalats. Fortunate are those who seek it and receive it. Those who seek this knowledge from the right source and attain it in its pure unadulterated form receive high ranks in Jannat, as in the Ayat quoted above.

Syedna also guides us to be passionate in pursuing education in schools and universities. As important is the aspiration to seek the knowledge of Aale Mohammad.

May Allah Ta’ala give us the inspiration to seek this knowledge. May Allah Ta’ala grant longest life to Aqa Moula TUS in full health and aafiyat to continue to spread the wisdom of this knowledge.

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