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Syedna TUS Sabaq & Imam Hasan Shahaadat Majlis

28 December 2014

On Saturday 28th Safar 1436H, Syedna Qutbuddin TUS delivered sabaq to mumineen in Darus Sakina. Mumineen were blessed with the pure water of the ‘ilm of Aale Mohammed SA and attained nourishment of the soul.

Syedna TUS expounded on the role of Rasulullah SA in establishing the Qur’an and Shari’at, which is known as Tanzeel, and the role of Amirul Mumineen SA and the Imams in expressing the meanings and tawil of the Qur’an and the Shari’at.

Syedna TUS added that many of the hudud served the Imams and compiled and expounded upon the meanings in their kitaabs. One of these kitaabs is the Ta’wil-ud-Da’aim by Syedna al-Qadi al-Nu’man, who was the Chief Justice in the time of Imam Mo’izz SA. In this kitaab Syedna Qadi al-Nu’man elaborates on the esoteric Ta’wil meanings of the stipulations of the Shari’at. Syedna TUS then lucidly expressed the meaning and significance of the 5 compulsory prayers.

As the sabaq was on 28th Safar, the day of Imam Hasan SA Shahaadat, Syedna TUS did bayaan of the Fazaa’il of Imam Hasan and narrated his Shahaadat.

One of the zikars that Syedna narrated was of an episode when Mu’awiya’s Aamil in Medina, Marwan bin al-Hakam, sent a messenger to Hasan Imam with an aggressive and insulting message. The messenger came to Hasan Imam and said that, "Marwan has instructed me to convey to you that your father [referring to Amirul Mumineen SA] divided the Muslim Ummah and insulted the scholars, and whenever someone asks you, you say that my grandfather is Rasulullah." Hasan Imam simply replied that, "if you are truthful then you will be rewarded for your truthfulness, but if what you are saying is false [and it was false] then remember that Allah Ta’ala’s punishment is most severe."

As the messenger left he met Imam Husain SA at the entrance. Husain Imam SA asked him what his business was. The messenger was reluctant but Husain Imam SA left him no choice, but to anser. Hasan Imam came out to see what was happening as he heard voices outside. When the messenger saw Hasan Imam he was emboldened and conveyed the same message to Husain Imam. Husain Imam told the messenger, "go and tell Marwan, that Husain son of Ali and Fatema has sent this message to you; you the son of a woman who sold herself in the market at zil-majaaz and ukaaz and the son of a man who Rasulullah had sent into exile, I know very well who your mother and father are."

The messenger came to Marwan and conveyed to him what happened. Marwan sent him back and instructed him to convey to Hasan Imam, "I bear witness that you are the son of Rasulullah" and to convey to Husain Imam, "I bear witness that you are the son of Ali b. abi Talib." When the messenger came and conveyed the message, Husain Imam responded "ana-abnu kilayhima" (I am the son of both -Muhammad and Ali) "raghman li anfik" inspite of you O son of Hakam (lit. in spite of your nose! – idiomatic).

After narrating this zikar, Syedna Qutbuddin TUS paused and then said, “I takebarakat from what Imam Husain SA said and declare, ana-abnu kilayhima, I am the son of both. I am the son of Syedna Taher Saifuddin and also his mansoos, and I am also the son of Syedna Burhanuddin and also his mansoos….Syedna Burhanuddin appointed me as his Mazoon, and at that time he said al-waladul-ahabb (beloved son) 3 times. First he referred as his brother and with karampraised me, and then he said this [beloved son]. He repeated the phrase three times in order to emphasize that it is this, he is my son and my mansoos… Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin appointed his brother Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin as his successor, and in a risalat Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin refers to himself in relation to his predecessor saying that ‘I am his [Syedna Najmuddin’s] brother as per my nasab [by way of blood] and his son as per my sabab [by way of spirituality]. Syedna Burhanuddin did exactly that; he addressed me first as his brother and then as 3 times as his brother. Whoever understands, understands - samjhay te samjhay, na samjhay na samjhay. The denial of those who deny does not change the fact – there were even those who denied Hasan and Husain SA.”

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