Syedna TUS Mab’as 1437H Waaz & First Misaq - Highlights & Selected Video Clips
08 May 2016
On Lailatul Me’raj, Rajab 27mi raat (2nd May, Monday) Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS led Maghrib Isha Namaaz and Washeq in Darus Sakina, Thane, followed by Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA Khatmul Quran majlis. In a heartrending wasila Syedna beseeched doa for all mumineen.
On Tuesday afternoon, Rajab 27 1437H/ May 3 2016, Syedna Taher Fakhruddin presided over Mab’as day Majlis at 4pm in Darus Sakina, Thane and performed bayaan mubarak. The flow of Imamuz-zaman’s SA ta’yeed was manifest in the bayaan. The heritage of the ‘ilm of the 51st, 52nd and 53rd Dai was apparent in every sentence. After bayaan mubarak, Syedna Fakhruddin, took Misaaq of Mumineen on the mubarak occasion of Mab’as Day.
We are pleased to present 7 short clips from the waaz in which Syedna did bayaan about the following: (to view video excerpts click here):
- In the first excerpt, Syedna Fakhruddin explains Rasullulah SA hadith: “he who prays this kalimah with ikhlaas (sincerity), has entered heaven’, dakhala al-jannah.” Rasullulah was then asked, what it means to pray the kalimah with sincerity. Syedna further expounded on the deep significance of Rasullullah’s hadith, and explained that praying kalimat al-shahadat with sincerity means to recognize (ma’rifat)the Imams, and then, in the time when the Imam is concealed and hidden, recognize (ma’rifat) their Du’at Mutlaqeen. The first and foremost part of this sincerity is keeping walayat (inner loyalty and love) for these Hudud, to love them and to obey them. If one does this, then as Rasullulah has said, dakhala al-jannah, he has entered heaven.
- In the second excerpt, Syedna Fakhruddin further explains the irreplaceable importance of walayaat and faith. Syedna Fakhruddin stated that the meaning of “Mumin” is “one who believes/one who has faith.” Just as no one doubts that the Prophet, the Imams, the Duat will go to heaven – there is also no doubt that if we have the walayaat of Dai-z-zaman that we will enter heaven too. Syedna Fakhruddin recounted when Syedna Burhanuddin had stated with great vigour that a Mumin cannot doubt if he will go to heaven or not and that if he does doubt this, then he is not in fact a Mumin.
- In the third excerpt, Syedna Fakhruddin narrates the historical event of Rasullulah’s hijjrat to Medina. With great detail, Syedna Fakhruddin explains how Rasullulah made each of the Muhajireen (those who traveled to Medina with Rasullulah from Mecca) a brother with a local Muslim from the Ansaar, in Medina. This ensured that there would be a strong support system and brotherhood amongst all members. Syedna Fakhruddin explained that Rasullulah paired everyone except Maulana Ali, whom he made his own brother and pair. In this excerpt Syedna Fakhruddin also recounts the question regarding this historical event that was asked to Syedna Qutbuddin in sabaq, and explains Syedna Qutbuddin’s answer, which at the time made Syedna Taher Saifuddin very happy and proud.
- In the fourth excerpt, Syedna Fakhruddin explains the tawil meaning of Rasulullah’s SA said “waiting for the next namaaz.” Syedna Fakhruddin explains that after the wafaat of one Dai it is necessary to give Misaaq quickly and without delay to his successor. Maulana Taher explains that Rasullulah instructed those who did salaam to him, to do salaam to Maulana Ali immediately afterwards, a sign, according to a bayaan in one Dawat kitaab, that Maulana Ali was the waaris of Rasullulah. Syedna Fakhrudin explained that similarly, Syedna Burhanuddin instructed Mumineen to do salaam to Syedna Qutbuddin immediately after they did salaam to him, also a sign that Syedna Qutubddin was the waaris of Syedna Burhauddin.
- In the fifth excerpt, Syedna Fakrhuddin explains the meaning of “rehmat,” based on a description in Syedna Qadi al-Numan’s kitaab. Syedna Fakhruddin explains that the entire universe would not have been created if it was not for Rasullullah, and just as Rasullulah was the source of rehmat for the Mumineen of his time period, in every day and age there is a source of rehmat for Mumineen. In every time period, there is an Imam, and in his seclusion, amongst Mumineen there is a Dai. The Imam’s faiz and ta’yeed is ever flowing towards his Dai. Syedna narrated in detail examples of the faiz and ta’yeed that has flowed towards Du’at Mutlaqeen. Syedna Fakhruddin specifically also expounds on the importance of this ta’yeed in the context of nass.
- In the sixth excerpt, Syedna Fakhruddin states that Rasullulah’s Shariat is truly amazing - it is “samhaa”—it accommodates everything and everything is encompassed in it. Syedna explained how Shariat accommodates in namaaz and roza. Syedna then narrated in greater detail, how Shariat accommodates and shows us how to practice business. He recited the verse from the Qur’an, “Allah has made business halaal (lawful) and riba (usury/interest) haraam (unlawful).” Maulana Taher explained the instructions given by Imam Jafar al Sadiq if you have to borrow money, but the lender is not willing to give you a loan without charging interest. Mumineen should draw a contract, in which the extra which is required to be paid as interest is actually a separate contract of sale. By drawing up this kind of contract the process becomes lawful. Syedna compared this to the contract of nikah (marriage) which renders halaal an act that is otherwise a great sin.
- In the seventh excerpt, Syedna Fakhruddin stated Rasulullah’s philosophy, wisdom and vision for education. Rasullulah said, “Seeking knowledge is mandatory (farizat) for each Muslim man and each Muslim woman.” Maulana Taher explained that in this statement Rasullulah explicitly mentioned both men and women. He did not say that men should seek a lot of education and women should not, or that they should only seek up to a small limit, or that they should only study Home Science. The example of Hurratul Malika is awe-inspiring as she was a great hujjat of the Imam. She achieved the very highest stations in ‘ilm. Syedna Fakhruddin emphasized that girls should seek and receive education a good education. He argued that in our philosophy there is no glass ceiling for girls and no restriction from going into different fields.
The full bayaan mubarak was broadcast live and is available for replay using this link.