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Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS Milad 1441H

21 December 2019

26th Rabiul Aakhar 1441H (23rd December 2019) is the auspicious occasion of the Milad of Dai-z-Zaman Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS. فيض سعادة الميلاد المبارك - ١٤٤١ه

Milad Night: On this joyous occasion, Syedna will lead Maghrib Isha Namaaz on Milaad raat (Sunday, 22nd December) in Darus Sakina, Mumbai, and then proceed for Khushi Majlis where Syedna will deliver bayaan mubarak.

Bayaan mubarak will be broadcast worldwide. CLICK HERE to view the bayaan mubarak.

Mumineen mardo will receive the sharaf of qadambosi of Aqa Maula TUS and the opportunity to araz tehniyaat on Milad night. All Mumineen are invited for Salawat and Khushi Jaman after majlis.

Milad Day: Wadhawanu program for Muminaat will be held on Milad day 26th Rabiul Aakhar (23rd December) at 430pm IST insha’allah. Muminaat behno will receive the sharaf of qadambosi of Aqa Maula TUS and the opportunity to araz tehniyaat during Wadhawanu program.

For those who are unable to attend, please follow the amal details here.

The true ‘aalim of Aal-e-Mohammed, Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS, is the spring of pure knowledge and wisdom. For all those regularly taking part in sabaqs that continue throughout the year, Syedna TUS has graciously granted an opportunity to partake the barakat of ‘ilm of Aal-e-Mohammed directly from the source, from the Dai of Imam-uz-zaman SA. Three sabaqs will take place between the two auspicious occasions of the Milad of Dai-z-Zaman TUS (26th Rabiul Aakhar) and the Milad of Syedna Qutbuddin RA (29th Rabiul Aakhar).

  • First Sabaq – 27mi raat of Rabiul Aakhar (Monday, 23rd December) after Maghrib Isha Namaaz in Darus Sakina, 6:30 PM IST.
  • Second Sabaq – 28mi raat of Rabiul Aakhar (Tuesday, 24th December) after Maghrib Isha Namaaz in Darus Sakina, 6:30 PM IST
  • Third Sabaq – 29mi raat of Rabiul Aakhar (Wednesday, 25th December) after Maghrib Isha Namaaz in Darus Sakina, 6:30 PM IST

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