New Taweel Sabaq Halqa with Syedi Aziz Bhaisaheb Qutbuddin
05 March 2024
Upon the araz of Mumineen, Ra'sul Hudood al-Mayameen Syedi Dr. Aziz Bhaisaheb Qutbuddin will begin this new Sabaq Halqa from 1st Shehrullah in which he will do zikr from Taweel-ud-Da’aim. In this kitaab, Syedna Qadi al-Numan RA explains the meaning of the pillars of Islam (7 Da’aim) and the significance of the arkaan of Shari’at including the arkaan of tahaarat, namaaz, zakaat etc.
Request Raza
Mumineen of age 18 and above who wish to partake in this great opportunity to seek ‘ilm of Aal-e-Muhammad may submit their araz for raza through this form.
The above form should be completed no later than Friday 8th March (28th Shaban). On the form, we will ask you to list all Sabaqs and kitaabs you have prayed so far, and with whom, along with your name, location and age. Jawab of araz will be communicated soon thereafter insha'Allah.
Sabaq Schedule
Sabaq will take place on Sunday mornings at 7:30am India time (IST) for one hour via Zoom video call according to the schedule below. Sabaq schedule will be announced for four months at a time with breaks included. Regular attendance is a requirement.- Ramadan | 1 (10 March); 8 (17th March); 15 (24 March)
- Shawwal | 7 (14 April); 13 (21 April); 20 (28 April)
- Zil Qada | 5 (12 May); 12 (19 May); 19 (26 May)
- Zil Haj | 3 (9 June); 17 (23 June); 24 (30 June)
Further dates will be announced after Ashara Mubaraka 1446H insha’Allah. Mumineen in Mumbai are encouraged to attend in person in the Mazaar-e-Qutbi complex.