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Husnus Sual Series Launch | Maulana Ali SA Milad Program Boston - Syedi Aziz Bhaisaheb Qutbuddin

07 January 2025

✾ On the auspicious occasion of the Milad of Maulana Ali SA, Rasul Hudood al-Mayameen Syedi Dr. Aziz Bhaisaheb Qutbuddin will preside over Milad program in Boston, USA. This event will also be broadcast live on Zoom.

Event Highlights

  • Launch of the Husnus Sual Series
    Maulana Ali SA said “Half of learning is asking good questions.” The Husnus Sual series - literally translates to The Good Questions Series - will provide a platform to encourage thoughtful discussions and inquiries. Syedi Aziz Bhaisaheb will address questions from the audience on a variety of topics.

  • First Discussion Topic: Is it a paradox to have conviction and be open-minded? You may submit questions about this topic or anything else on your mind. Questions can be submitted anonymously or with your name.

Program Details

  • Maghrib Isha Namaz: 5:15pm Boston/Eastern Time

  • Milad Program: 5:30pm Boston/Eastern Time

  • Husnus Sual Series: 5:50pm Boston/Eastern Time

  • Khushi Jaman: 7:15pm Boston/Eastern Time

Participation Details

We warmly invite all to attend and take part on this auspicious occasion. May this Milad be a source of inspiration and knowledge for all.

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