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Community Conversations | Social Service: A Mumin’s duty (5th Nov, 9pm IST)

03 November 2022

Join via Zoom or watch on Facebook Live

On Saturday 5th November join us on Zoom at 9 pm India time for "Community Conversations | Social Service: A Mumin’s duty".

Our Awliyaullah have always stressed the importance and necessity of extending a helping hand to the underprivileged. On November 5th, we invite you to meet with our community’s social service champions – individuals who have made it their life mission to help others. You will hear them share their stories and what motivated them to spend their life helping others.

Each of them comes from a different generation, a diverse background, and a different walk of life; yet they all share a common ethos – to fulfill their duty of helping those in need.

Please register to join and participate in this informative and inspiring hour of community conversations. We look forward to seeing you!

  • Date: Saturday, 5th November 2022
  • Time: 9:00 pm India time

To register or ask a question, please fill out this registration form here.


Shaikh Abdeali bhai Haji - He is one of the first khidmatguzars to join the Zahra Hasanaat organisation, he has expanded the scope and size of the organisations activities immensely over the past several decades.

Mulla Mohammed bhai Khorakiwala - combining the power of two large organisations - Zahra Hasanaat and Doctors For You - he has set up medical clinics in remote villages in India to ensure basic healthcare access to the underprivileged.

How can we help?