Majlis 46: "What is the Distinction of the Eve of 15th Shabaan?" - Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS
02 April 2021
Rasulullah SA has said that abundant reward is reserved for those who worship Allah Ta’ala on the eve of 15th Shabaan. According to the guidance of our Awliya’ Kiraam, we pray 14 rak’at-s on this night. In each rak’at, we recite specific Quran Surahs 14 times. The reward of this prayer is equivalent to 20 pilgrimages of Hajj. What is the meaning of this prayer? What is the importance of the number 14 in this context? Why is this night so auspicious?
In the Quran Majeed, Allah Ta’ala instructs Rasulullah SA by saying “turn your face towards the Masjid-Haram.” The outward meaning of this ayat is that the physical direction of prayer, qibla, had been towards Masjid-Aqsa (Jerusalem) and Rasullullah was commanded to turn towards the Masjid-Haram (Mecca). What is the inner meaning of this Ayat? What is its relevance to the eve of 15th Shabaan?
Syedna TUS answers these questions in this Majlis, the 46th in the Majalis al Hikma series.