Ashara 1438H

This is the Fatemi Dawat 1438H Ashara Mubaraka page. Inshallah all Ashara relevant material including broadcast links, waaz summaries, waaz video excerpts, photos, program details etc. will be updated here daily.

Shehzada Husain Bhaisaheb Burhanuddin USA Ashara 1438H Program

05 September 2023

Al Dai-l-Fatemi Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS has graciously deputed Hafizul Qur’an Shehzada Dr Husain Bhaisaheb Burhanuddin for Ashara Mubaraka khidmat in New Jersey, USA in Muharram 1438H.

Summary (English and Dawat ni Zaban) and Photos - 8th Waaz

22 November 2016

On 9th Muharram, Syedna Fakhruddin TUS delivered the 8th waaz for Ashara1438H. Maulana addressed Mumineen as Haq ni Dawat na farzando (children of the true Dawat), Dawat which Quran Majeed states is for ‘Him’...

Summary (English and Dawat ni Zaban) and Photos - 9th Waaz

22 November 2016

On Aashura - 10th Moharram, Syedna Fakhruddin TUS delivered the 9th and 10th waaz for Ashara 1438H. Maulana addressed Mumineen as those who holdfast mohabbat of Panjetan, Aimmat Tahereen, Du’aat Mutalqeen and the Dai of our age, mohabbat ma ikhlaas na karnar, due to which we gain shafa’at of these awliyullah...

Aashura Day 1438H - Broadcast Links & Amal Details

11 October 2016

Mumineen should observe ‘laagan’ on Aashura day. Laagan is like roza in the sense that we refrain from all food and drink from dusk to dawn, but the niyyat is of laagan – that is refraining from food and drink in remembrance of the thirst and hunger of Imam Husain SA and his Ahle Bayt and Ashaab....

Summary, Photos, Arabi Shahadat Video - 7th Waaz Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS

10 October 2016

On 8th Moharram, Syedna Fakhruddin TUS delivered the 7th waaz for Ashara 1438H. Maulana addressed Mumineen as those who hold walayat of Amirul Mumineen, the one for whom Rasulullah gave bisharat (glad tidings) of nasre azeez (great help) and fateh mubeen (clear victory)...

9 Muharram 1438H Broadcast - Shehzada Dr Husain Bhaisaheb Burhanuddin

09 October 2016

Syedna TUS has also given raza for Shehzada Dr Husain Bhaisaheb Burhanuddin's waaz from New Jersey to be broadcast live worldwide - the waaz will be available live at 7pm EST on Sunday 9 Muharram/9 October (Monday 430am IST 9 Muharram / 10 October).

Summary and Photos - 6th Waaz Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS

09 October 2016

On 7th Muharram, Syedna Fakhruddin TUS delivered the 6th waaz of Ashara Mubaraka 1438H. Maulana began the bayaan with the zikr of Maulatuna Fatema SA and the Imams who are the sons of Fatema, quoting from Maulana Taher Saifuddin’s qasida how the Imams are a string of pearls and in that, Tayyeb Imam is the center pearl, the largest one....

8 Muharram 1438H Broadcast - Shehzada Dr Husain Bhaisaheb Burhanuddin

08 October 2016

Syedna TUS has also given raza for Shehzada Dr Husain Bhaisaheb Burhanuddin's waaz from New Jersey to be broadcast live worldwide - the waaz will be available live at 7pm EST on Saturday 8 Muharram/8 October (Sunday 430am IST 8 Muharram / 9 October).

Summary and Photos - 5th Waaz Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS

08 October 2016

On 6th Moharram, Syedna Fakhruddin TUS delivered the 5th waaz for Ashara 1438H. Maulana began the bayaan by explaining Imam Tayyeb’s kunyat is Abul-Qasim, just as Rasullulah’s SA kunyat is Abul-Qasim. Syedna al-Moayyad al-Shirazi states that an Imam is present in every age who personifies rahmat (Allah’s mercy)...

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